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Delighted Repeat Clients

Jason W. Freeman + Sara Oblak Speicher Share Their Results with the Writer Whispering Process

Jason Success Stor

Success Story:  Jason W. Freeman Professional Speaker, Perseverance Coach

The Writer Whispering Process Helped Jason:

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* Write + develop his standing ovation TEDx Talk

* Developed his Imperfect Best platform

* Helped rewrite his book Awkwardly Awesome

* Crafted his 2nd TEDx application

 * Mentored in building confidence as an emerging Thought Leader and Speaker

 * Facilitated healing through trauma & stories from 7th grade leading to an expanded platform

Jason W. Freeman is a nationally recognized professional Speaker and Perseverance Coach whose platform is helping people live their "Imperfect Best" in each moment. When we first started working together several years ago, Jason was at a defining moment in his career. He had several writing and speaking projects he wanted to up level, including creating an upcoming coveted TEDx Talk. He also desired to up level his speaking and writing skills, develop his speaking platform, rewrite his book Awkwardly Awesome: Embracing My Imperfect Best and build greater confidence as a speaker.

He felt challenged by with his upcoming TEDx talk and was beset by doubts whether he and his message would be received by a wide audience. He was unsure if he had the confidence and courage to “actually bring the heart of his message to market" in the way he knew he could. He felt constricted, not allowing his brilliance to shine. 

We started with a vague idea of "Imperfect Best" for his TEDx Talk. For two months we shared ideas, built onto these themes, changed the sequencing, developed the concept and content. We continued to strengthen his speech and presentation process as he went from hesitant to confident. The end result was a standing ovation TEDx Talk.


Jason has been a client for years because he finds tremendous value in our sessions. He is always eager to move to the next level of growth so he can exponentially inspire more people. Recently we have been working on helping him to write with greater ease and inventiveness, welcoming in more flow and less doubt. His speaking and speech writing have transformed. We recently completed his application for his second TEDx Talk, have started talks about his second book, the development an on-line course and his holding live events. His confidence has grown exponentially as is now booking keynote speeches at a much higher price point than he previously commanded and is more visible in his marketing. 


On Jason's Standing Ovation TEDx Talk:

"I have worked with TED Talk experts over a long period of time. Harmony's ideas, perspectives, laser focus, mentoring and coaching was better than all the coaching I had received up to this point. It not only helped me solidify my TEDx presentation into one that was iconic, it helped me to feel as if I was co-creating the process, building confidence in my message and its potential of impacting millions. Harmony as Writer Whisperer was instrumental in crafting the speech. Together over 2 months we continued to rewrite the speech, making it more relatable to the audience. We strengthened the beginning, middle and end, changed the sequencing of the content, then synthesized it all into a tight speech that also allowed room for spontaneous flow in the moment. Harmony also helped me prepare for my talk on an energetic level. She had the vision to know what was possible for my future self and invited me into the bigger vision as she supported me in knowing I was giving a million dollar TEDx Talk. By the time I walked on stage in Houston I was 100% ready. And I was rewarded with a standing ovation. I am deeply grateful - it's a dream come true. Thanks with all my heart Harmony! You certainly are a Writer Whisperer!"

Conceptual Development of Jason's Speaking Platform to Imperfect Best

"Harmony, the brilliant and gifted Writer Whisperer, is a master of helping you expand your brilliance. I came to Harmony with a vague idea that I wanted to speak and coach on the concept of doing your imperfect best and not much confidence in it. Harmony loved the ideas and stories I had around Imperfect Best to such an extent that she saw how to take them far beyond what I had envisioned. She also amplified my ideas by giving me new information, phrases, perspective and ideas to further my creative process. She not only helped me appreciate my own good ideas but turn those good ideas into action. As an example in our session today I had a major unexpected breakthrough with my second book. She helped me see that if I present the book as an Imperfect Best Lifestyle Process, encourage the reader to see their magnificence along the way and not give any time lines for success, suddenly I open up the book to have more space and impact. Harmony sees how it all fits together. She blends a connection with spirit with a rich and wonderful practicality. As a result my platform organically expanded far beyond what I could have done myself."

Rewriting Jason's Book Awkwardly Awesome

"Luckily, I had a Writer Whispering session scheduled with Harmony today. She knew just how to help me tackle the rewrite of my introduction for my new book, Awkwardly Awesome. Rather than have me talk about my writing blues, she asked me to start talking about ideas for my introduction, a process she calls SoulStreaming™ process. This is where magic happened that I can't fully describe. As I was talking, I felt animated as Harmony's gifted and healing energy inspired me to speak profound words. As I result, I was able to send an introduction off to my editor that is way more powerful than I could have imagined or created on my own. Thank you Harmony!"

Case Study: Sara Oblak Speicher, Speaker, Writer, Mentor

The Soul Streaming Process Helped Sara Write Her Book + Embrace Her Thought Leadership:

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* Defined 30 book chapters headers and titles that are unique, creative and engaging

* Created a killer book title:  It Is Not That Simple

* Created a framework to write her chapters

* Created an outline for her book proposal to start the process with an agent and publisher

* Connected the dots of the 6 generations of women defining the legacy for her daughters

Sara Oblak Speicher is an Advocate for Change and Master Coach. She cares deeply about the world her young daughters will inherit and is a strong voice for change. Her gift is redefining the possible in new ways, expanding the definition of leadership and legacy.

The challenge with brilliant mystical women like Sara is they don't fit into the norm and they don't resonate with the way things have always been done. She heard the whisperings of her soul to write a book on her family's 6 generations of women.


Like so many emerging thought leaders, she was overwhelmed by the cookie cutter writing process. She also experienced the "Who Am I to Be So Brilliant Syndrome" wondering who would care about her story, why it mattered.


Sara has also been a client for years, continuing to come back with new projects and continued writing, healing and mentoring. Collaborating in the Writer Whispering + SoulStreaming process, we were able jumpstart her process. 


While she loved how always got great results, she didn't expect how quickly it would all flow forth from simply having a conversations as we played in the Writer Whispering process. 


Sara on Writing Her Book:

"I've been getting ready to write a book for over a year. It's been sitting in my heart, but I could never just sit down and write. It was too overwhelming. None of the programs out there and their structures really resonated with my free spirit. Harmony is the one who made it possible. In her presence and in synchronicity of our energies, magic and miracles happened. No longer was I concerned with the intellectual part of the process. Instead, I was able to access and stream what my soul's been trying to convey! Harmony knew exactly what to ask, when to press and when to step back. In the process, I uncovered layers of stories, convictions, and wounds that I didn't even know existed! Instead of getting scared or delayed, harmony's gifts helped me heal. So yes, what began as a simple book writing project became my emergence as a thought leader through writing a book! And the transformation has been only made possible by the sacredness of this partnership and deep friendship." 

Sara on the SoulStreaming Process:

SoulStreaming™ sessions with Harmony feel like Divine Appointment. I've been searching for wisdom and knowing. Harmony held the space to move through the open gates in ways that are grounded, unconventional, expanded and tangible. Very few can play in this way at this level of vibration and access. During sessions I felt calm, at ease, able to connect to my Higher Self wisdom and creativity. I began to feel lighter, heart-filled from the activation. I am still in the awe of it all. I realized from the session notes how her noticing and reflections were so powerful. I felt so supported, like my words and my content matter. Like I matter. Her feedback was spot on, helping me to move forward in unexpected ways that are congruent with this legacy book my soul wants to emerge through me. The container felt like I had been there before, comfortable, familiar, safe, encouraging. Harmony's visioning process and meditations allowed me to know there is MORE beyond that which I am now capable of seeing and there is so much more that wants to flow and emerge through me. Thank you Harmony.

Sara on Remembering She is an Infinite Being

"Harmony brings it all and more! Playing with her during our recent SoulStreaming™ sessions was one of the most profound, empowering and life-altering experiences I have had. Not only did I get so much accomplished in jumpstarting the writing of my legacy memoir, I experienced deep healing and expanded connection to Source and my Higher Self. During healing sessions she activated my original blueprints so I can remember I am an Infinite Being. Major fears and mindset blocks dissolved, helping me to build momentum and move forward with the book at my own pace. Part of the process was helping me overcome my mind-based approach, connecting me to my own divine and innate gifts, able to find the answers I’ve known all along. Feeling empowered, inspired, and free of the doubt, I am able to show up very differently, speak my truth, write this legacy book and embody being a thought leader. Last but not least, I know have access to exactly what I need to stay in alignment and redirect my focus. It's an amazing process of healing, mentoring and writing. I am so blessed."

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